Join us for the
Newman Ministry
2024 Awards Banquet
April 11, 2024

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You are invited to a special evening in Dallas, honoring individuals and organizations working tirelessly in the vineyard to keep Catholic young adults connected to their faith.

Featuring musical entertainment by Josh Weathers.

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Confident leaders inspire lifelong disciples.

Get the support you need to lead your ministry with confidence and clear direction.

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The challenges of campus ministry are never-ending.

Minimal resources. Little support. No community. We understand the struggle.

Let's Chat

Build a thriving ministry community.

At Newman, we offer services that inspire confident leadership in campus ministers to empower lifelong discipleship.

Here's what campus ministers are saying about the Newman Ministry programs:

"Gathering with my group provided a supportive space to speak freely about the ups and downs of ministry life. I am grateful to have met these ministers who celebrate and pray with me through my ministry. I feel like I have gained additional teammates and I am forever grateful for what they have added to my life."

"I feel as if I received both a gift of the heart and of the head. In regards to the former, I enjoyed meeting the people and hearing their stories of work and life. For the latter, I gained insight and skills for hosting online support groups and plan to put them into practice immediately."

"These meetings were fruitful and refreshing to build community among those who serve others!"

"Patti was awesome! She is a very nurturing facilitator who brings a good perspective and helpful and insightful observations to our group. I would 100% recommend others to take advantage of this support. It has been so helpful for me especially through this strange time of online ministry."

"This group was so helpful to me. I enjoyed the professional support and opportunity to brainstorm with colleagues. I found this group a great sounding board outside of my normal channels."

"What did I find valuable? Having a place where I can speak to others who understand the particular demands of college campus ministry. But more importantly, in a space where we can be 100% honest about where we are."

"Take a chance and check it out. Engaging with others in similar circumstances in a safe and meaningful forum is encouraging and worth the time investment."

Break through the noise with Newman Ministry Programs.

Lead your ministry with confidence and a clear direction with Newman Ministry. Feeling pulled in every direction? Not sure where to put your focus or how to get it all done? No matter what you are facing, cultivate your calling with the support of caring, experienced professionals.

We know budgets in campus ministry are tight. Our services and tools are donor-funded. We’re here to support you in leading your ministry with purpose.

Let's Chat