University of Oregon

St Thomas More

A Message from St Thomas More
<p><span>Welcome to St. Thomas More Newman Center! We welcome all Students from Lane Community College to join us! We are a Catholic community committed to bringing Christ on campus. We strive to live out this mission through the Dominican intellectual and spiritual traditions.&nbsp; The top part of the building is the Chapel. Below the Chapel, you will find the Newman Center meeting area/gathering spaces and offices. If you would like to become a member of St. Thomas More or would like more information, simply call us at</span></p> <div>541-215-4210</div> <p><span>.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
St Thomas More Staff

Mass Times

<p><strong><em>Saturday</em></strong>: 5pm<br><strong><em>Sunday</em></strong>: 9am, 11am, &amp; 7:30pm<br><strong><em>Monday</em> </strong>(with morning prayer): 8:00am<br><strong><em>Tuesday</em> </strong>-<strong><em>Wednesday</em></strong>- <strong><em>Thursday</em> </strong>- <strong><em>Friday</em></strong>: 5:15pm<br><strong><em>Wednesday Candlelight</em></strong> (during school year): 7:30pm</p> <p><strong>EVENING PRAYER</strong></p> <p>Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday: 5pm<br><br></p>

Adoration Times

<p><br></p><p>Tuesday-Friday 4:00 p.m.</p>

Confession Times

<p><em><strong>Wednesday</strong> </em>(during school year): 8-9pm<br><em><strong>Saturday</strong></em>: 4pm-4:45pm<br>or by appointment<br><br></p>

No schedule information available.

University of Oregon
Archdiocese of Portland

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This profile was last updated on Aug 02, 2023.